During a time in recent prayer, the Lord began to speak to Nichole and said “write this down”. She wrote it down as He gave it and then shared it with Pastor Dave. He, in turn, had her share this word with us Wednesday night, 1.17.18, after his sermon where He spoke about not judging others, being free from legalism and honoring God’s will and plans for our lives. Here is a word in season for our church:
When the shaking began many of you thought it was an attack from the enemy but this was My doing. I had to shake off the shell, the molding, the scaffolding, for I have been designing something new. There were those who were necessary for the beginning stages,who were necessary for the design, but they were not chosen for the movement. For what I have been building is for movement, and these were not equipped for moving they were only equipped to shape and mold. The shaking was to allow the life of what I have purposed, to breathe in Me and exhale Me. For inside the mold, a change took place; a metamorphosis. In this metamorphosis, you are going from what was to what is now – and what is to come.
You’ve only just began to scratch the surface of what I have done and what I am doing. Don’t fear the new thing or the unknown. The unknown to you is known to Me for I am eternity; I am in the past, present, and future. Your future is unknown to you but I am there and the steps of the righteous are ordered. Trust Me. Although everything feels different, it is time to to step out and MOVE! I have chosen you for this new movement – it’s not supposed to feel familiar! You are to be apart of the pioneers that will go first. Yes, it may feel like you are walking on water just keep your eyes focused on ME.
There are those who still love the molding- they cling to the molding. They will either have to let go of the molding or they will be shook off! You have grown beyond the molding. You no longer fit in the molding. You went from one thing, to a new thing with new purpose! No longer limited to what was and who you were before. So I say LET GO of the old LET GO of what was LET GO of what was familiar!! FAITH walk in FAITH not by sight! I will not pour new wine in an old wine skin! You want more…. you cry out for more? Do you not realize the depths of Me? The fullness of who I am are like the many waves that crash upon the shore that bring forth something new with each crashing wave. Again, I say keep your focus on Me, lock eyes with Me, we have MORE to do.
- Date - January 18, 2018